The Mmg release 5.2.0 is out.
It adds:
- input and output files at gmsh format;
- the reading of normals at boundary vertices for mmg3d and mmgs;
- the isovalue discretization for the mmgs software and library (MMGS_mmgsls API function);
- the -default option that creates a file containing the default parameters of Mmg. By modifying this file, you can impose local parameters (hmin, hmax, hausd) over different boundaries;
- the -octree option replace the -bucket one but it is not mandatory anymore to precise the octree size;
- a true fortran API and C++ API;
- new API functions to set/get the mesh entities (vertices, elements, boundaries) by arrays;
- FindMmg*.cmake files to help users to find the Mmg libraries using CMake.
It modifies the mmg3d library API:
- the MMG3D_Set_meshSize and MMG3D_Get_meshSize functions takes two additional arguments to be able to read prisms and quadrangles.