Discover Mmg at the CEFIPRA Workshop
Come at the tuesday poster presentation of the CEFIPRA Workshop to discover the Mmg platform!
Come at the tuesday poster presentation of the CEFIPRA Workshop to discover the Mmg platform!
You can discover the Mmg platform at the Inria stand of the technical forum of the Aerospace Valley members… Let speak about meshes!
Thank you for the success of this first edition of the Mmg days. It was an opportunity to meet some members of the Mmg community and to discover their works. We hope you have found this half day interesting and, of course, we hope to see you again at the…
The first Mmg Day will be held at UPMC (Paris). The aim of this day is to allow the Mmg users and developers to meet each others. More informations can be found on the Mmg Day page.
You can discover the Mmg platform at the Inria stand (on the morning of the 16th).